WDVM Special Report: DC resident speaks out about treatment of his family in China ahead of 2022 Beijing Olympics

January 26, 2022
WASHINGTON (WDVM) — Mustafa Aksu hasn’t seen or spoken to his family in more than four years.
“I wish I could have talked to them,” Aksu said. “But it’s very risky to even make a call. I just want to let them know that how much I miss them.”
Aksu lives in Washington, DC, and is a Uyghur. He was born and raised in Xinjiang in the Western region of China.
As China prepares to host the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing on the other side of the country, Aksu just wonders if his family is safe.
Read the full article: https://www.localdvm.com/2022-olympics/dc-resident-speaks-out-about-treatment-of-his-family-in-china-ahead-of-2022-beijing-olympics/