After the Fall of Kabul, the US Needs to Reject China’s Narrative on Terrorism

October 6, 2021 | The Diplomat | By Omer Kanat
Afghanistan is home to more than 100 Uyghur families. Many of them have lived in the country peacefully for decades and yet continue to live in fear of the Chinese government, which regularly uses techniques of transnational repression to target Uyghurs living abroad.
I should know. My family fled to Kabul from Ghulja in the 1970s across the short border between China and Afghanistan. Other families made their way to Afghanistan, the only country that would accept paperless Uyghurs, from Pakistan in the 1990s as Beijing and Islamabad established a partnership of “iron brothers.” My family moved again, eventually settling in the United States; however, many Uyghurs remain in Afghanistan.
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