China Critics Ramp Up Push to Limit Lobbying

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May 30, 2023 | RealClearPolitics | By Susan Crabtree

Louisa Greve, the director of global advocacy for the Uyghur Human Rights Project, said every U.S. law and lobbying firm faces a clear choice on whether to help support companies involved or directly implicated in egregious human rights violations.

“It is un-American and unconscionable for anyone — and certainly public servants who in their time promised their voters they would serve the public good and who retain the title of ‘Honorable’ after they serve — to immediately go and help a genocidal regime,” she said in an interview.

In the case of Russia, it took the Ukraine invasion to force U.S. lobbyists to end their lucrative contracts and comply with the sweeping new laws.

Does Greve think only an invasion of Taiwan will force similar U.S. prohibitions on China lobbying?

“The red line should be genocide,” she said, “and a recognition of our strategic interest to preserve the basic framework of freedom for ourselves and our allies and anyone else who wants to join a world governed by the rule of law and peaceful trade.”

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