UHRP Additional Steps on Safe and Welcoming Environment

For immediate release
August 22, 2024 | 5:00 p.m. EDT
Contact: Omer Kanat (202) 790-1795, Peter Irwin (646) 906-7722
The Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) would like to share the following updates regarding ongoing steps to strengthen our commitment to a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
UHRP reiterates it has a zero-tolerance policy for misconduct or harassment and is committed to high ethical standards. We are firmly committed to ensuring a welcoming environment for women and all activists in the movement for Uyghur human rights.
To reinforce these commitments, UHRP has retained the services of a human resources consulting firm, experienced in working with nonprofits, to assist in our efforts. The firm will establish a publicly accessible concern line to receive complaints. This line will serve as a third-party, secure channel for individuals to report concerns regarding any form of misconduct regarding the organization.
Additionally, the firm will conduct an investigation into any shortcomings in the steps taken by the organization following allegations of sexual harassment. On the basis of the investigation, the firm will provide analysis and recommendations to UHRP. This process is intended to ensure all steps going forward are grounded in best practices and informed by an independent review.
UHRP’s Policies and Procedures Committee, as announced in a June 27 statement, is, at the same time, moving forward with a comprehensive review of our current policies to produce an employee handbook and a volunteers and contractors manual. This process will ensure staff, contractors, board members, interns, and other volunteers are trained and held accountable to standards in our Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest, Discrimination, and Harassment Policy and other relevant policies.
We once again thank our partners and all those who have shared their concerns with us and affirm that harassment, discrimination, misconduct or hostility in the workplace or in the human rights space will not be tolerated.