UHRP Change of Leadership and Statement on Sexual Harassment

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May 17, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. EDT
Contact: Justinian Rudelson Ben-Adam (214) 601-1653, Omer Kanat (202) 790-1795

The Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) announces the election of former Vice Chair, Dr. Justinian Rudelson Ben-Adam, as the new Board Chair of UHRP. The board has accepted the resignation of Nury Turkel, the previous Chair.

UHRP has no tolerance for sexual harassment and is firmly committed to high ethical standards. UHRP is committed to ensuring a welcoming environment for women and all activists in the movement for Uyghur human rights.

We acknowledge the seriousness of the allegations brought to our attention. When such allegations were first made, we determined to conduct a thorough investigation, and hired a reputable and experienced law firm to conduct it.

UHRP commits to undertake a further independent investigation of sexual harassment allegations, enabling all concerns to be brought forward in a manner that provides assurances to protect the anonymity of complainants and witnesses.

UHRP, with the help of our partners, is actively seeking additional guidance to help us launch a review to identify shortcomings in our existing ethics and complaints policy, with the goal of developing better processes for individuals to safely raise concerns, to ensure complaints are acted upon expeditiously, and to establish accountability.

We will be taking a number of additional concrete steps going forward to address gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace, to ensure that UHRP promotes a safe working environment for everyone.

We know as an organization that we can do better.

We thank our partners and organizations that have shared their concerns with us and affirm that sexual harassment or intimidation cannot be tolerated.

Read our June 27, 2024 statement, Updates on UHRP Ethics Investigation, Policies and Commitments, providing updates to the steps UHRP is taking going forward to ensure UHRP is a safe and welcoming workplace for all.