Argentina court opens investigation into Uyghur genocide claims

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July 13, 2024 | JURISTnews | By Navya Singh

Argentina’s Federal Court of Criminal Cassation revived a complaint alleging that Chinese state agents committed genocide and crimes against humanity against the Uyghur people in a judgement on Thursday. The complaint was filed by the Uyghur Human Rights ProjectWorld Uyghur Congress and Lawyers for Uyghur Rights.

Commenting on the decision of the cassation court to open an investigation, Uyghur Human Rights Project Executive Director Omer Kanat stated:

This decision is great news and strengthens our belief that the Argentinian Courts will see this case through according to Argentinian law. This news gives new hope to Uyghurs. It sends a strong signal to the Chinese authorities that the perpetrators of crimes against the Uyghur people are not being forgotten.

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