Kashgar Destroyed: A Metaphor for China and the World


by Ruth Ingram

The ancient city of Kashgar, the “Jerusalem of the Uyghurs,” has been destroyed and rebuilt in “Chinese Disneyfied” architecture, a parable for how the CCP would like to reshape its country and, if possible, ours too.

“Kashgar was coerced,” and the world didn’t protest

If you put a frog straight into boiling water, it will protest. But if you place him gently into a pan, and bring him slowly to the boil. he will not notice until it is too late. With events in Hong Kong fresh in our minds, no allegory could be more fitting than this ancient parable to describe a 21st century sleeping world being cooked gradually under the incremental heat of China, once content to wreak havoc at home, but now beginning to flex its muscles beyond its borders, oblivious of and careless to global outrage.

In a new report released this week by the Uyghur Human Rights Project, entitled, Kashgar Coerced: Forced Reconstruction, Exploitation, and Surveillance in the Cradle of Uyghur Culture, the destruction and rebuilding of the “Jerusalem of the Uyghurs,” the “cradle of Uyghur culture,” and “the contested jewel of empires,” the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar in the south of Xinjiang, is cited as a further metaphor for a CCP, whose ambitions are not merely the erasing of a city’s tangible cultural identity, but the stamping out of an entire language, religion and possibly a people. The CCP will then roll out its experiment to the rest of the country, and further afield to the highest bidders across the world.