Young Uyghur, Tibetan and Hong Konger defenders share their priorities with the UN’s human rights bodies in Geneva

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October 4, 2023 | International Service for Human Rights

Aged between 19 and 28 years, this was the first time that young activists from these communities came together in Geneva to work on cross-cutting community issues and build solidarity. Participants are engaged in human rights advocacy through their work with established groups like the Hong Kong Democracy CouncilFree Uyghur Now, and the Uyghur Human Rights Project or have founded impactful youth-led organisations in their host countries, such as Students for a Free TibetHarvard College Students for Uyghur Solidarity, and Uyghur Youth Initiative. They are working toward better visibility and accountability towards violations outlined in the UN’s Xinjiang report published in August 2022, including the curtailment of free assembly and expression, mass surveillance, forced labour, and cultural and religious persecution.

‘The course was very relevant. We engage in the UN and I am hoping this will allow me to be a greater part of our organisational effort.’

Babur Ilchi, programme manager at the Uyghur Human Rights Project

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