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Your support enables UHRP to expose the human rights crisis and transnational persecution of Uyghurs—make your tax-deductible gift today so we can continue telling Uyghurs’ stories to the world.
⇒ Since 2021, UHRP has published 24 in-depth reports presenting new evidence of Chinese government persecution of Uyghurs worldwide
⇒ Our work guides policymakers, and has been featured in countless news outlets worldwide, including BBC, The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal
⇒ UHRP fights transnational repression and assists Uyghur refugees and camp survivors to reach safe haven and provide first-hand testimony
Help our campaign to end “business as usual” while Uyghurs are targeted for genocide and crimes against humanity.
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The Uyghur Human Rights Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization (EIN: 47-5609093) so your donation is tax deductible.

To donate by check, send to: Uyghur Human Rights Project, 1602 L Street, NW, Suite 613, Washington, DC 20036
Atrocities Against Women in East Turkistan: Uyghur Women and Religious Persecution
Watch UHRP's event marking International Women’s Day with a discussion highlighting ongoing atrocities against Uyghur and other Turkic women in East Turkistan.
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