Eight things you can do to help Uyghurs in a time of genocide

Donate to UHRP to support our work:
- Since 2021, UHRP has published 24 in-depth reports presenting new evidence of Chinese government persecution of Uyghurs worldwide
- Our work guides policymakers, and has been featured in countless news outlets worldwide, including BBC, The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal
- UHRP fights transnational repression and assists Uyghur refugees and camp survivors to reach safe haven and provide first-hand testimony

Contact your members of Congress to urge them to support or co-sponsor:
- Uyghur Human Rights Protection Act
- Uyghur Policy Act
- Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023 (H.R.1154/S.761)
- Use this quick action page to send a letter to Congress!

Sign Petitions
- Tell Anta Sports to stop profiting from Uyghur forced labor: Sign the Action Network petition
- Read Rahima Mahmut's story. Stand with her and add your name: Free Uyghur Muslims from forced labor (90k signed!)
- Help Avaaz call on the UN Human Rights Council, our parliaments and legislatures, and firms doing business in China, to stop supporting genocide (One million signed!)
- Where is beloved Uyghur folklore professor Rahile Dawut? Call for her release (47k signed!)

Endorse the global campaign for companies to end complicity in Uyghur forced labour. The "Call to Action" on forced labor in the Uyghur Region is supported by 415+ groups from 40+ countries. Organizations can endorse here.
Individuals can call out brands profiting from forced labor goods:
- Brands: enduyghurforcedlabour.org/fashion
- Take action at forcedlabourfashion.org and enduyghurforcedlabour.org/related-actions

Volunteer or intern
See volunteer and internship opportunities here!

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UHRP regularly hosts online and in-person events to discuss new research, relevant issues, and host speakers from around the world. Take a look at our recent or upcoming events here!
Atrocities Against Women in East Turkistan: Uyghur Women and Religious Persecution
Watch UHRP's event marking International Women’s Day with a discussion highlighting ongoing atrocities against Uyghur and other Turkic women in East Turkistan.
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