Human Rights Day 2015: Act Now for Uyghur Political Prisoners

December 9, 2015
By Henryk Szadziewski and Greg Fay
Sign a PETITION on behalf of Uyghurs in jail for political reasons
Uyghurs in East Turkestan (also known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) are routinely imprisoned for political reasons. The life sentencing of Uyghur academic Ilham Tohti in 2014 demonstrates the Chinese authorities do not hesitate to harshly punish Uyghurs who contradict government policies on ethnic affairs.
On the occasion of Human Rights Day 2015 and to highlight the issue of Uyghurs jailed for their beliefs the Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) has produced an online reportdetailing the cases of eight Uyghur prisoners of conscience.
“Xi Jinping has presided over an intense crackdown on political dissidents since becoming Chinese president. His administration has targeted lawyers, journalists, academics and activists who have spoken out about repressive policies in China,” said UHRP director, Alim Seytoff in a statement. “Uyghurs who raise legitimate questions over a range of political, economic, social and cultural issues face certain imprisonment. In any civilized country the eight Uyghurs emphasized by UHRP would be listened to, not harshly punished.”
Mr. Seytoff added: “I ask you to sign UHRP’spetition urging China to release these imprisoned Uyghurs and tell Xi Jinping these individuals have not been forgotten by the outside world.”
The list of political prisoners is compiled as aCALL FOR ACTION to the global community of activists to remind China that it is obliged to abide by international human rights standards, especially those contained in theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) celebrated on Human Rights Day.
The annual December 10 commemoration of the adoption of the UDHR by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 restates the indivisibility of human rights and of government responsibilities to meet fundamental human rights.
Profiles contain information on the life and work of each Uyghur political prisoner, as well as details regarding their cases. Also provided are introductions to the issues raised by each political prisoner and opportunities to discover more information through external research.
UHRP links toACTIONS THAT YOU CAN TAKEon behalf of each Uyghur and has created aPETITIONfor you to sign that will be sent to Chinese president, Xi Jinping asking for the immediate release of these eight political prisoners.
Ilham TohtiandGheyret Niyaz were jailed for exercising theirfreedom of speech. Professor Ilham Tohti was particularly outspoken on a number ofeconomic, social and cultural issuesfacing the Uyghurs through his Uighurbiz website. The case of Gheyret Niyaz illustrates the constraints placed on freedom of the press.
Uighurbiz volunteers Atikem Rozi and Mutellip Imin were sentenced in December 2014. In addition to the denial of their fundamental right to freedom of speech, the cases of Atikem Rozi and Mutellip Imin highlight the difficulties facing young Uyghurs. Rozi faced systemic discrimination when attempting to secure a passport and Imin wrote a remarkable account of his enforced disappearance at the hands of Chinese security officials.
The jailing of Merdan Seyitakhun is demonstrative of the curbs placed onreligious rightsin East Turkestan and Huseyin Celil’s imprisonment questions the legitimacy of China’s anti-terror campaign aimed at Uyghurs. The detention of HIV/AIDS activist,Akbar Iminis a potent example of the limited space the Uyghurs have to raise social problems with the state.
The case of Abdurazzak Shamseden is illustrative of the Chinese government’s harsh crackdown after the violent suppression of a protest in Ghulja in 1997 and how Chinese authorities target family members of Uyghur activists. His treatment in prison displays theendemic nature of torturefacing Uyghur political prisoners.
The report is online at:
Atrocities Against Women in East Turkistan: Uyghur Women and Religious Persecution
Watch UHRP's event marking International Women’s Day with a discussion highlighting ongoing atrocities against Uyghur and other Turkic women in East Turkistan.